Reddit on the attack

The Reddit naysayers are again doing their best to slander and confuse the situation by trying to point to years old divorce proceedings as “proof” of a scam. We have made a simple response and do not intend to fuel the thread further.

We have done our very best to prove validity of this situation by showing actual interactions of our family with these kids, a letter from State Representative Matt Rinaldi and the scanned copies of court documents we received from the actual court house with copy of the receipt showing that we paid for them.

This is an attempt to divert attention away from the real issue which is James and Jude…. and prevent the support that is needed to fight for them.

No matter your religious views or orientation- a child’s right to determine his future hangs in the balance and this case will set a precedent for others.

Help us #SaveJames – and save thousands of children.
