September 2018
Update – from a mother’s heart
I want to make certain that people have a place to go for current news and updates regarding the various hearings and such – as well as our interactions with these great kids.
So – here goes…
The most recent court battle lost Jeff some of his weekend possession time.
Jude is in soccer with other kids that may know James as “Luna” so if Jeff wants to take Jude to the games and cheer him on while in possession of both boys – his ex-wife wants him to bring James dressed as a girl. The court allowed her to pick up the kids and take them away from Jeff during his scheduled time – so that she can dress them the way she wants to – or Jeff can bring him in “gender neutral clothing” but can not call him by his name or use masculine pronouns while talking with him in public. This greatly shortens his already limited time with both boys and James isn’t even playing! Its a terrible offense and a loss of constitutional rights to not allow a man to speak to and encourage his son.
It is disheartening to say the very least. Jeff isn’t allowed to talk to James about his feelings without the threat of losing him and Jude. The mother is a pediatrician and up until a few weeks ago had pictures of James dressed as a boy on her website. After Jeff’s attorney made it clear in court that she was portraying James in opposition to what she is asking the court to demand of Jeff, she changed the pictures on her site and the court simply gave her a verbal reprimand. The bias is so evident.
On a somewhat lighter note…
This past weekend the boys all came over for a “camp out” indoors! We pitched a tent in the living room, read stories, sang songs, made s’mores and had a wonderful time. These kiddos are so respectful and kind and thankful. James drew some beautiful pictures for my fridge and I think its safe to say that James and Jude have become part of the family. My boys certainly consider them brothers and our little Lily (who is only 2) asks for them when they aren’t here. We saw them again on Sunday and Jude was visibly upset. He let me comfort him a little and I was able to find out that he hates leaving his father because he knows that for the next 2 weeks he is going to have to lie about his brother.
It hurts his little heart to be forced to lie – and he is punished for extended periods of time out if he doesn’t comply. If that isn’t abuse, then I really don’t know what is.
In October Jeff has to pay $10,000.00 for the court appointed psychologist. Financially this is a major strain – and its just one of the many large sums required to continue this battle for the protection of his children. Expert witnesses are needed and are so very expensive. Please consider a donation to help this family if it is within your means.
As a Christian- I feel that it is my responsibility to “speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves” Proverbs 31:8. The Gag order keeps Jeff from speaking, these little boys are not able to speak up – so here I am, doing the only thing I know to encourage others to get involved and support people who are in desperate need of it, both financially and spiritually.
Please take time to read all of the information on the site- share with all that you know and pray…
- That God would be merciful and uphold these children in their daily lives and struggle to be brave and truthful.
- That Justice would prevail in the court system and that the Judges would be granted wisdom.
- That the heart of their mother would be radically changed and that God would work a miracle in her life for the sake of her children.
- That Jeff would be upheld and supported by the body of Christ through this terrible time and that the financial strain would be lessened.
- That those of us who know and walk with this family would be wise, kind, generous, loving and protected
More updates to follow weekly.