Super Boys!
Had a great weekend with these kids. What a joy to see rough and tumble boys being super heroes. It is a joy and a privilege to be a part of their lives.
Save James – Save Thousands of Children
Had a great weekend with these kids. What a joy to see rough and tumble boys being super heroes. It is a joy and a privilege to be a part of their lives.
Save James – Save Thousands of Children
Jeff Younger Articles, Family 0
The Public Discourse ran a heart-breaking story, In Their Own Words. The story is simply anonymous quotes from parents who’ve lost their children to transgender child abuse.
A totalitarian terror has seized these these parents. As you read these quotes, remember the real function of propaganda. It is not to change people’s perception of the truth. It is to force you to affirm what you plainly know is false. It’s to humiliate you into servile inaction, so elites can do whatever they want to you.
These parents can either affirm a fake gender identity or lose their children. This ritual humiliation of the human mind is the essence of the evil gripping these parents and their children.
They are coming for your kids. That’s not exaggeration. They are coming for your kids. Read how these children got these evil ideas at school and summer camps. Now, what are you going to do about it?
I took her to a gender clinician seeking expert guidance. Instead, he accepted her new identity and told me I must refer to my daughter with masculine pronouns, call her by a masculine name, and buy her a binder to flatten her breasts. He recommended no therapy, and there was no consideration of the social factors that obviously affected her thinking. […] I have nowhere to go for proper help. Therapists are actively trained and socially pressured not to question these increasingly common identities. In Washington, DC, and many states with so-called conversion therapy bans, questioning a child’s belief that she is of the opposite sex is against the law.
My once beautiful daughter is now nineteen years old, homeless, bearded, in extreme poverty, sterilized, not receiving mental health services, extremely mentally ill, and planning a radial forearm phalloplasty (a surgical procedure that removes part of her arm to construct a fake penis).
The level of heartbreak and rage I am experiencing, as a mother, is indescribable. Why does Oregon law allow children to make life-altering medical decisions? As a society, we are rightly outraged about “female circumcision.” Why are doctors, who took an oath to first do no harm, allowed to sterilize and surgically mutilate mentally ill, delusional children?———-
This narrative matched nothing about her past—but I was still naïve. Because her psychiatrist did not consider her to be transgender, I assumed she would be unable to get a referral for the testosterone she was determined to start. I was wrong. In only one visit, and with just a little bit of blood work, Planned Parenthood will cheerfully enable young women and men to pursue their “authentic” selves through cross-sex hormones. All that’s needed is a few bucks and signing a form that the risks have been disclosed and understood.
In August of 2017, our seventh grade daughter came home from sleepaway camp believing she was a boy. She had a new vocabulary and a strong desire to change her name and pronouns. We never anticipated that we needed to ask the camp if she was going to be in a cabin with girls who were socially transitioning to live as boys.
It’s up to you. Are you going to allow psychologists and psychiatrists to propagandize you? Can they force you to affirm what you know is false? If you go along, how many children will suffer and die?
Stop transgender child abuse. Save James – Save Thousands of Children.
Jeff Younger Family #savejames, burgers, fun with friends 0
Jeff had the boys last night for his regular 2 hour Thursday night possession time. We joined them for burgers and fun. It was such fun watching Jeff kick a soccer ball around with his boys. They so clearly adore him and enjoy their all too limited time with him. We wrapped up the evening with hot cocoa, wrestling, leapfrog and hysterical laughter.
Praying for a day when they can be with him always.
Save James – Save Thousands of Children
Jeff Younger Family #savejames, fun with friends, swimming 0
We were blessed to spend a great post Valentine’s Day – Pre President’s Day weekend with the kids. And it was beautiful weather! In Texas that means SWIMMING! (with a heated pool- of course)
All the kids were over the moon. James and Jude had on matching swimsuits and wanted a picture to document them “looking” like the twins they are.
Precious memories. Praying that there will be many more like these.
Save James – Save Thousands of Children
Jeff Younger Family, Proof #savejames, interview, point of view 0
For those of you who missed the broadcast yesterday….
Here are Jeff and Joe on the Point of View Show. Their interview begins at the one hour mark.
Jeff Younger Family #savejames, Amicus, haircut, Legal 0
If you follow the Facebook page or YouTube Channel, you probably saw the adorable photos and video of our haircut party with James, Jude and Jeff. My son Grayson (budding film-maker) videoed and documented most of it and put together a great montage of fun moments.
Several people have asked – “Is Jeff pushing the envelope a little by doing this?” And “Is he allowed to do this?”
Jeff can only give James haircuts with court approval from the Amicus Attorney – and as always, he continues to go through the proper channels and get legal approval before haircuts. In addition – Jeff always shows the barber this image of Charlize Theron and is careful to tell him that it can not be shorter than this and needs to be able to be styled as a pixie cut in order to please his mother – just to be sure he is following all the rules.
It costs an arm and a leg just to get approval for this-(YES – he actually has to pay legal fees to communicate with and get approval from the attorney) but it is important to Jeff that James is happy and confident and Jeff wants to honor James’ request and preference of haircut style.
These 5 little boys had so much fun telling the fabulous barbers at Don Juan Barbershop in Coppell exactly what they wanted. James was so eager and excited. He was thrilled.
Unfortunately, his mother did not share his enthusiasm and has filed another motion to modify the terms of the custody so that Jeff can no longer cut James’ hair at all.
This is another example of James’ preferences being pushed aside to suit someone else’s agenda.
We are concerned that if she has complete control that she will attempt to hyper-feminize him prior to trial in order to sway a Jury.
Please continue to pray, share and support this family.
Save James – Save Thousands of Children
Jeff Younger Articles, Family 0
by Jeff Younger, father of James and Jude
I feel that my sons, James and Jude were gifted to me. I received them not as a man but as a father—as a life’s work in the human spirit, not for glory, and least of all for convention, but for them, to take from the dust of the earth two giggling, crying, innocent human souls that did not exist before, and go with them into heaven. It took some years to understand what that really meant.
My sons were given to me only in trust. Yes, trust for their bodies: fed, rested, and healthy. Also for their minds: educated, reasonable, rhetorically skilled. Mostly for their spirits. My sons are born into a time of a general and universal fear, now so long sustained that the only relief for most men is a sloughing retreat into nihilism and materialism.
There are no more problems of the human spirit. The human heart has been reduced to emotions. The human person has been reduced to a biological machine that exists solely to satisfy innate, immutable, unconscious desires. The possibility of a human nature binding us all in spiritual community, is almost completely forgotten. My sons’ secular community will never teach them this old wisdom.
My sons must learn from me alone the problems of the human spirit, of a soul in need of healing, in conflict with the nous, the true heart, the eye of the soul, that desires God. It is I, their father, that shouts against all civil authority: my sons are men, and wonderfully and fearfully made.
I have had to set aside my own fear. Until then, I had labored under a curse. I had acted not out of love but vanity. My griefs had been of a kind for fools. My victories had been defeats. My heart was but a hydraulic organ not a sacred conscience given by God.
In setting aside all fear, I knew for the first time what a father is: a holy martyr for his family. I could calmly decline to accept the end of my sons’ lives as men. I knew the privilege and dignity to endure, sacrifice, and to be made low. My heart was elevated the lower I made myself. I became an unworthy guide along the narrow way around the dark wood.
I helped my sons to endure and to prevail, and so I became a father for the first time.
Jeff Younger Action, Family, Legal, Proof #savejames, abuse, Amicus, Court, custody, custody evaluator, Dr. Albritton, Dr. Allbritton, Motion to Seal, transgender 0
Help us Save James – Save Thousands of Children
Jeff Younger Action, Articles, Family, Legal, Proof #savejames, Jeff, law, Legal, legislators, The whole story, transgender 0
Thank you Luke Macias for this podcast opportunity to tell James’ complete story. A Father’s Fight
Complete Podcast: A Father’s Fight
Father Explains What It's Like to see His Son Sexually AbusedI'm excited to announce the launch of the Luke Macias show, a podcast covering news, politics and special interviews with a Texas twist.I'm even more excited about our first interview. If this is the only episode we ever release it would be worth it. It's a story each of you must hear. Jeff's son is being transitioned at the age of 6 without his consent, and it's happening in Texas.You have 3 ways to listen to the podcast (Google Podcasts will be available shortly) .Our website:
Posted by Luke Macias on Monday, January 28, 2019
Every. Single. Day. You have to see your son sexually abused, and you have to maintain your calm because the courts are not going to be fair to you. And the only way you can survive this and get your son through this alive is to calmly allow your son to be tortured right before your eyes and outlast the opposition. That’s what it’s like.
Jeff Younger Family, Legal #savejames, art, attorney, custody, custody evaluator, wrestle 0
We so enjoy every weekend that Jeff has the boys. They came over and played and had dinner and did art projects.
They created these funny little foil people and my table was completely covered with an army of foil men in all kinds of hilarious positions.
They wrestled and laughed and we ended the night exhausted and happy. Happy and blessed to see these boys flourish but at the same time saddened that we won’t see them for 2 weeks and during that time apart they are subjected to a very different life.
The story is the same… and the need is still great.
We have heard that their mother has ramped up her legal team and that we should expect an escalation of legal action including followup on the motion to seal in order that all future court dealings will be unavailable for us to share.
There will be a hearing on February 28th at 1:30pm.
This is likely in order to drain what little funding we have raised so far. Any legal action that Jeff can take depends entirely upon the custody evaluation.
Please continue to share.