Younger Brothers Make Father’s Day Gifts for Jeff
Having fun times with art, crafts, some applied geometry, and learning poetry! Next: soccer in the park.
Having fun times with art, crafts, some applied geometry, and learning poetry! Next: soccer in the park.
See the full playlist. We cover a lot of topics from transgender child abuse to no-fault divorce to judicial corruption to the role of the church in civil marriage.
We need your help to Save James, save thousands of children.
Jeff Younger Action, Research 0
This is an extended series on how the Left expands its power over culture, especially on transgender issues. See the previous parts of this series below.
To combat transgender child abuse, we need to take language more seriously, says Deion A. Kathawa.
A mere five years ago, transgenderism was a fringe phenomenon. Back then, many Americans would have scoffed at the idea that a biological male could be a woman simply because he declared himself to be one, and vice versa. They would have been right to scoff. Because it’s patently absurd. […]
What to make of transgenderism was once an open question; perhaps even a sensible debate could have been had about it. But in a few short months, we went from groping for the beginnings of a discussion on the topic to fighting a desperate rearguard action: defending the validity of sex-segregated bathrooms and locker rooms […]
We debate the people pushing this delusion. We accept them as conversation partners who are engaged in a good-faith pursuit of truth. That’s the power of the megaphone. It forces us to take nonsense seriously. […]
It doesn’t get more ridiculous than that. Until the Right wises up, and starts challenging this rigged game, the Left will keep control of the megaphone. And we’ll deserve it.
People who support transgender child abuse are not pursuing truth in good faith. Rather, they seek to use language to create power. This leftist language-power imposes intellectual limitations in the form of liberation. Truth is rejected. Consistency is rare. But it goes by unnoticed and unchallenged by the Right.
Consider how transgender advocates use contradictory discourse as a political and pseudo-scientific strategy:
The common pattern is to mix subjective relativism on the one hand and dogmatic absolutism on the other. Transgender child abusers are well aware of these contradictions. Their opponents, like us, continually raise this objection.
Since they know the objection, one wonders: to which side of the contradiction is the transgender child abuser most committed? There are three possibilities.
One notable feature of the transgender child abuse movement is the uniformity of ideology among all of its adherents. This rules out the first option. The second option is incompatible with the main arguments given by the trans child abusers. They understand gender as a relative, and purely subjective, attribute that anyone should be free to take upon themselves at any age.
That leaves only the third possibility. It fits well with what we observe. The transgender child abuse movement is a political movement. It is neither scientific, nor a theory of psychology, nor limited by patterns of scientific discourse. Transgender child abuse advocates are not seeking the truth. Transgender child abusers are trying to impose a political policy on us.
They do not seek to resolve the tension of their contradictions. To be motivated to find the truth, to resolve the contradictions — children have to matter. The nihilism of the transgender child abuser is never far from the surface. Children don’t matter to them because nothing maters. More than any other ideology, transgender child abuse embodies the politics of ressentiment.
We will not reason our way to a compromise with these professional child abusers. There is no middle way. They must be defeated. Our next installment will explain why they haven’t yet been defeated.
James’ father is locked in a struggle to defeat this wicked ideology of child sexual abuse. Please help him. Donate today.
Save James – save thousands of children.
Dr. John Whitehall offers a sensible take on the bizarre transgender child abuse phenomenon:
Most kids grow out of gender dysphoria. If kids are going to grow out of it, what’s all the fuss?
Well that’s the big issue. that’s the big problem, because the first step of this medical pathway in which many children are now being entered.
Might I add more often than not by a mother. I couldn’t believe that when I first heard it. A mother who becomes so enmeshed, so enthusiastic, so committed that she becomes a cheerleader for this process, driving the child to become the poster boy of the school […] the social transition, the changing of the names, the wearing of the dresses, the changing of the pronouns.
All of this is the first stage […] of the medical pathway.
It ends is forced sterilization, chemical and physical castration, then social banishment, despair, and suicide. The transgender child abuse community calls this “therapy.”
Stop them. Donate to Save James, save thousands of kids.
Jeff Younger Action, Research 0
This is an extended series on how the Left expands its power over culture, especially on transgender issues. See the previous parts of this series below.
The World Health Organization (WHO) initiates the process of political coercion leading to mandatory transgender child abuse.
The World Health Organization has officially decided to stop classifying transgender people as mentally ill.
WHO member states adopted the new edition of the International Classification of Diseases during an annual assembly in Geneva on Saturday. It is the first update of the illness list in 29 years.
They now describe gender identity disorder as “gender incongruence” and it is no longer listed in the chapter of mental disorders.
The WHO says the right of people to receive medical services, such as surgical operations to make them sterile, should be guaranteed.
World events force me to reprise some ideas from an earlier post, The Pattern of Expansion. In that post, I explain the steps used by the Left to expand their power into all areas of life, including transgender child abuse.
The WHO brings us to step 5. They officially recognized transgenderism as a normal human type, step 4. Then they infer that transgenderism is a status with special rights, step 5 and 6.
A representative from Denmark welcomed the latest changes, saying that it is a big step forward to allow everyone to lead a life with dignity.
The WHO hopes that the action will help to eliminate discrimination against transgender people and promote public understanding of them.
The Who hopes that this action will lead to step 7, the application of anti-discrimination and hate speech laws against anyone who opposes normalizing transgenderism.
Soon you will lose your kids and be jailed for even speaking against transgender child abuse.
I’m fighting this abomination. By saving James, we can stop this in the courts and save thousands of children. Please help us with litigation costs and to provide care for James.
[Treatment can do] very serious harms to their bodies throughout the rest of their life — without even considering whether there are alternative options to help them and even recognizing that a large number of children that question their gender identity are going to, if merely left alone, are going to realign their identity with their biological sex.
For a good overview of what the research actually shows, see Sexuality and Gender: Findings from the Biological and Social Sciences. As you encounter people who support transgender child abuse, have these facts handy:
● The hypothesis that gender identity is an innate, fixed property of human beings that is independent of biological sex — that a person might be “a man trapped in a woman’s body” or “a woman trapped in a man’s body” — is not supported by scientific evidence.
● According to a recent estimate, about 0.6% of U.S. adults identify as a gender that does not correspond to their biological sex.
● Studies comparing the brain structures of transgender and non-transgender individuals have demonstrated weak correlations between brain structure and cross-gender identification. These correlations do not provide any evidence for a neurobiological basis for cross-gender identification.
● Compared to the general population, adults who have undergone sex-reassignment surgery continue to have a higher risk of experiencing poor mental health outcomes. One study found that, compared to controls, sex-reassigned individuals were about 5 times more likely to attempt suicide and about 19 times more likely to die by suicide.
● Children are a special case when addressing transgender issues. Only a minority of children who experience cross-gender identification will continue to do so into adolescence or adulthood.
● There is little scientific evidence for the therapeutic value of interventions that delay puberty or modify the secondary sex characteristics of adolescents, although some children may have improved psychological well-being if they are encouraged and supported in their cross-gender identification. There is no evidence that all children who express gender-atypical thoughts or behavior should be encouraged to become transgender.
Jeff Younger Book Review, Research 0
Editors Heather Brunskell-Evans and Michele Moore have published a new book Transgender Children and Younger People: Born in your Own Body. Though grounded in secular post-modern perspectives, it offers a withering critique of the transgender ideology.
The Rev. Dr. Michael F. Bird has written a smashing review of the book:
[…] this book does not deny gender dysphoria, nor that transitioning and even gender reassignment surgery is often an effective treatment for extreme cases of dysphoria. It is rather, a critical and scientific critique of the transgendering of children as part of a discursive sociological project.
[…] Against this transgender activism and its enabling state actors the editors claim that “transgender children don’t exist” ( italics original) and their collaborative venture “examines the theories and politics of transgenderism, and the medical, psychological, legal and educational practices associated with it, for the ways they discursively construct ‘the transgender child’’.
[…] Their prima facie objection to transgendering children are: (i) Transgenderism treats biology as a social construct, while asserting that gender is a real thing located somewhere in the brain, soul, or body. To the contrary, they insist, it is gender not biology that is constructed. (ii) Transgenderism restricts children to traditional views of gender and the only escape mechanism is to reject pre-social notions of identity [i.e. biological notions of identity].
James’ father, Jeff Younger, has made these points many times to the court and the custody evaluator, Dr. Albritton. Advocates of transgender child abuse privilege abnormal gender self-expressions while aiming to suppress normal ones!
James presents as a girl with Anne Georgulas (on Facebook, on Twitter), but James presents as a boy with everyone else. James has a choice: normal gender or abnormal gender. The psychologists and psychiatrists have clearly privileged the abnormal gender expression. They do this full well knowing that it’s possible Anne Georgulas conditioned James to present as a girl in her presence. It’s preposterous, and profoundly dangerous for the children of Texas.
Bird goes on with his review, giving one of the book’s contributors a detailed treatment:
First, transgenderism is a socio-political movement with the characteristics of a religious cult […].
Second, the drive towards transgendering is driven by the normalization of crass stereo-types, boys like boy toys and girls like girl toys, so if a boy likes girl toys, then the boy must be a girl […].
Third, a further problem with transgender ideology is that it assumes a “child-knows-best” model of parenting where children are deemed competent to determine their identity and medical needs […].
Fourth, teaching children that their true and authentic self is disassociated from their body entails [unwarrranted] acceptance of a mind-body dualism […].
Eighth, transgender activists claim that biological sex is irrelevant to one’s true self and yet biological sex characteristics must be prevented from developing and be cosmetically altered […]. If biology and physical characteristics do not shape who I am, then what is the point in changing it with pharmaceutical treatment?
Finally, Bird summarizes his impressions and takeaways:
[…] transgenderism is riddled with incoherent claims:
- Gender is a purely a social construct, but transgender is an empirical reality to be protected;
- Sex is irrelevant to gender, but it is imperative to alter the sexual organs of bodies to match a person’s perceived gender; […]
- Science is the alleged basis of transgender ideology, but scientists who espouse a sexual binary based on biology or point to evolution as shaping facets of gender behaviour are engaging in either biological essentialism or hetero-normative stereo-types.
transgenderism can be dangerous in that:
- […] we must ask whether transgender children are found or whether they are (in many cases perhaps) created by social environmental factors […]
- […] Transitioning children prematurely is further dangerous considering: (i) There is no evidence for a biological cause of gender dysphoria, it is a psychological condition as far as we know; (ii) The negative long-term effects of puberty blockers; and (iii) the stories of de-transitioners, people who have experienced chemical or surgical transitioning, and have profoundly regretted it, are routinely dismissed or silenced by transgender activists.
Jeff Younger, James’ father, has made the same arguments to Dr. Benjamin Albritton in the Save James Dossier. One of the problems Mr. Younger faces is credentialism, the belief that credible arguments come only from people who’ve attained some number or type of educational credentials.
But the arguments I’ve given, like the arguments above, are logical arguments. Their truth is independent of any credential.
Will the court’s custody evaluator, Dr. Benjamin Albritton listen? Will he see the plainly obvious problems with child transgender theories? Does Dr. Benjamin Albritton have the will to oppose the most dangerous and most aggressive ideological movement in modern psychology?
Will he consider seriously whether Anne Georgulas (on Facebook, on Twitter) has intentionally socialized an innocent boy into a mental disorder about his gender identity?
We have to prove it in court. Please contribute to our efforts. Click the donate button below.
James is an innocent, normal, rough-housing little boy. He loves archery, tracking animals, and wrestling.
We’re trying to save his life. Please help us.
Save James – save thousands of kids.
Jeff Younger Articles, Family 0
Judges in the UK order the transition fo a 4-year-old, ignoring social services counselors and clinic experts who objected. The transgender cild abuse movement is not about medicine or psychology. It’s a political movement to radically alter or destroy the traditional family.
Read this, and then get the final kicker below the fold.
A judge in the United Kingdom ruled that a couple may send their 4-year-old foster son to school in girl’s clothing after allowing him to identify as a girl.
High Court Justice David Williams of the Royal Courts of Justice in Westminster decreed that despite objections by social services of Lancashire County, which had argued that the unnamed couple had “acted in a precipitate manner in relation to perceived gender dysphoria,” the boy should not be removed from his parents’ care as had been requested by Lancashire council officials. […]
In late 2018, staff at the NHS Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) at London’s Tavistock Clinic asserted that some cases of children claiming gender dysphoria had not been adequately assessed. Some patients agreed with senior staff about these concerns, leading to an investigation. In February 2019, the governor of the NHS trust who operated Tavistock resigned, having denounced its ”‘blinkered” attitude to the concerns.
Five former NHS clinicians who resigned from Tavistock allege that “life-changing medical intervention” for children and teens had been granted “without sufficient evidence of its long-term effects.” Some children, they said, were misdiagnosed as “transgender” because they had experienced same-sex sexual attractions.
The Kicker: This same foster family transitioned their own 3-year-old, and they claim that another foster care child in their care has signs of “gender dysphoria.” Is this family inducing psychological problems in toddlers in their foster care?
The same thing is happening to James. We need your help!
Please donate to pay for expert witnesses, litigation costs, and care expenses for James.