Action – Save James Save James, Save Thousands of Kids Mon, 12 Aug 2019 22:08:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Action – Save James 32 32 152165897 Support Kelsey Coalition: Gender Harm Project Mon, 12 Aug 2019 22:08:37 +0000 Kelsey Coalition is the best organized counter-attack against identity medicine and transgender child abuse. Support The Gender Harm Litigation Project. Spread the word.

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Support the Kelsey Coalition Thu, 20 Jun 2019 02:14:11 +0000 The Kelsey Coalition is the best organized, most professional organization fighting transgender child abuse.

Support their new campaign to Petition the US Surgeon General.

A Call to Action by the Surgeon General would increase public awareness and alert healthcare professionals to this urgent and growing public health matter. And as the Nation’s Doctor who has pledged to lead with science, this would also encourage an evidence-based treatment approach to the exponentially growing number of gender-questioning youth.
Young people should not be offered life-altering hormonal and surgical interventions that are not supported by rigorous studies establishing long-term efficacy and safety. The risks of irreparable harm and regret are too great.

Please join our request to the Surgeon General by taking action here.

They are fighting for kids at risk of transgender child abuse.

Keep sharing. Keep fighting. Kelsey Coalition is on the front lines.

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The Pattern of Expansion (Part 4) Mon, 10 Jun 2019 02:44:36 +0000
George Orwell

This is an extended series on how the Left expands its power over culture, especially on transgender issues. See the previous parts of this series below.

To combat transgender child abuse, we need to take language more seriously, says Deion A. Kathawa.

A mere five years ago, transgenderism was a fringe phenomenon. Back then, many Americans would have scoffed at the idea that a biological male could be a woman simply because he declared himself to be one, and vice versa. They would have been right to scoff. Because it’s patently absurd. […]

What to make of transgenderism was once an open question; perhaps even a sensible debate could have been had about it. But in a few short months, we went from groping for the beginnings of a discussion on the topic to fighting a desperate rearguard action: defending the validity of sex-segregated bathrooms and locker rooms […]

We debate the people pushing this delusion. We accept them as conversation partners who are engaged in a good-faith pursuit of truth. That’s the power of the megaphone. It forces us to take nonsense seriously. […]

It doesn’t get more ridiculous than that. Until the Right wises up, and starts challenging this rigged game, the Left will keep control of the megaphone. And we’ll deserve it.

People who support transgender child abuse are not pursuing truth in good faith. Rather, they seek to use language to create power. This leftist language-power imposes intellectual limitations in the form of liberation. Truth is rejected. Consistency is rare. But it goes by unnoticed and unchallenged by the Right.

Consider how transgender advocates use contradictory discourse as a political and pseudo-scientific strategy:

  • Trans says: Gender is socially constructed. But, transgenderism is biologically innate and immutable.
  • Trans says: Gender is unrelated to biological sex. But, it’s imperative to halt the development of a child’s genitals, and perhaps even remove them.
  • Trans says: Our views are based on science. But, any challenge to transgender theories is bigotry and irrational.

The common pattern is to mix subjective relativism on the one hand and dogmatic absolutism on the other. Transgender child abusers are well aware of these contradictions. Their opponents, like us, continually raise this objection.

Since they know the objection, one wonders: to which side of the contradiction is the transgender child abuser most committed? There are three possibilities.

  1. Relativism is primary, but with some absolutist qualifications.
  2. Absolutism is primary, with some relativistic qualifications.
  3. Relativism and absolutism coexist in the transgender child abuse ideology, but it has no psychological effect on the professional child abusers themselves.

One notable feature of the transgender child abuse movement is the uniformity of ideology among all of its adherents. This rules out the first option. The second option is incompatible with the main arguments given by the trans child abusers. They understand gender as a relative, and purely subjective, attribute that anyone should be free to take upon themselves at any age.

That leaves only the third possibility. It fits well with what we observe. The transgender child abuse movement is a political movement. It is neither scientific, nor a theory of psychology, nor limited by patterns of scientific discourse. Transgender child abuse advocates are not seeking the truth. Transgender child abusers are trying to impose a political policy on us.

They do not seek to resolve the tension of their contradictions. To be motivated to find the truth, to resolve the contradictions — children have to matter. The nihilism of the transgender child abuser is never far from the surface. Children don’t matter to them because nothing maters. More than any other ideology, transgender child abuse embodies the politics of ressentiment.

We will not reason our way to a compromise with these professional child abusers. There is no middle way. They must be defeated. Our next installment will explain why they haven’t yet been defeated.

James’ father is locked in a struggle to defeat this wicked ideology of child sexual abuse. Please help him. Donate today.

Save James – save thousands of children.

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The Pattern of Expansion (Part 3) Tue, 28 May 2019 18:29:52 +0000 This is an extended series on how the Left expands its power over culture, especially on transgender issues. See the previous parts of this series below.

The World Health Organization is forcing normalization of transgenderism.

The World Health Organization (WHO) initiates the process of political coercion leading to mandatory transgender child abuse.

The World Health Organization has officially decided to stop classifying transgender people as mentally ill.

WHO member states adopted the new edition of the International Classification of Diseases during an annual assembly in Geneva on Saturday. It is the first update of the illness list in 29 years.

They now describe gender identity disorder as “gender incongruence” and it is no longer listed in the chapter of mental disorders.

The WHO says the right of people to receive medical services, such as surgical operations to make them sterile, should be guaranteed.

World events force me to reprise some ideas from an earlier post, The Pattern of Expansion. In that post, I explain the steps used by the Left to expand their power into all areas of life, including transgender child abuse.

  1. Identify a tradition.
  2. Create a grievance class, no matter how small, in opposition to the foundational practices of the tradition.
  3. Get organizations of influence, usually professional bodies or government agencies, to recognize the grievance class.
  4. Create a plausible case that the practices of the grievance class are normal human variation and should be more tolerated. Suppress any discussion of potentially anti-social problems with the grievance class’ practices.
  5. Convert the practices of the grievance class into a status. This is usually accomplished by claiming something innate and immutable about the grievance class.
  6. Convert the discussion from one of toleration to one of rights.
  7. Use “professional” bodies and the courts to construe the new status and rights as within the bounds of existing rights laws.
  8. Force everyone to accept the previously anti-social practices of the grievance class.

The WHO brings us to step 5. They officially recognized transgenderism as a normal human type, step 4. Then they infer that transgenderism is a status with special rights, step 5 and 6.

A representative from Denmark welcomed the latest changes, saying that it is a big step forward to allow everyone to lead a life with dignity.

The WHO hopes that the action will help to eliminate discrimination against transgender people and promote public understanding of them.

The Who hopes that this action will lead to step 7, the application of anti-discrimination and hate speech laws against anyone who opposes normalizing transgenderism.

Soon you will lose your kids and be jailed for even speaking against transgender child abuse.

I’m fighting this abomination. By saving James, we can stop this in the courts and save thousands of children. Please help us with litigation costs and to provide care for James.

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The Pattern of Expansion (Part 2) Sat, 11 May 2019 03:15:51 +0000 This is an extended series on how the Left expands its power over culture, especially on transgender issues. See the previous parts of this series below.

In the first Pattern of Expansion post, we explained how the Left takes power over our social environment. Wonder how we got to the point that courts would entertain chemically castrating an innocent little boy? Check out the link and review the eight steps, to see how it happened.

Let’s look at some examples of global institutions of social power cooperating with this dark process of cultural destruction.

The leftist schools will force your children to adopt transgender ideology, or even to “change gender.”

The parents of an elementary student suing the Woodburn School District for almost a million dollars say a second-grade teacher kept their son from recess and educated him without their permission about being transgender. […] [Note the use of the word ‘educated’. This wasn’t education.]

The then-second grader at Nellie Muir Elementary School and his parents had made arrangements with the school for him to use the staff restroom because of a digestive-related medical condition.

His teacher assumed the boy was not comfortable using the public boys’ restroom because he was transgender [The teacher just ‘assumed!’!], according to the lawsuit.

The complaint also alleges the following:

In April 2018, without notifying the parents and without any authorization from the school district, the teacher began developing a lesson plan to help the boy understand what it meant to be transgender

She then began keeping the student inside the classroom alone during recess at least three times to show him videos and teach him “it is acceptable to become transgender.” […]

The books and show, which were recommended by an “unknown non-school employee transgender individual,” exposed the boy to sexual topics and sexual discussions, according to the lawsuit. 

During the lessons, the student was not allowed to go outside for recess until he finished the videos or books. [He was coerced into watching the sexualized videos – by a teacher!]

The leftist courts will jail you for refusing to participate in the abuse of your own child.

Last week, Justice Francesca Marzari of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, Canada, declared a father guilty of “family violence” against his 14-year-old daughter on the sole basis that he had engaged in “expressions of rejection of [her] gender identity.” These “expressions” revolved entirely around his polite refusal to refer to his daughter as a boy in private, and his steady choice to affirm that she is a girl in public.

While many might take this to be an honest statement of biological fact, Marzari quoted it as a prime example of Clark’s “family violence of a public denial of [Maxine’s] gender identity.” Marzari convicted Clark of this violence, and issued a “protection order” preventing him from speaking to journalists or the public about his case.

Kari Simpson, [… said] “This is extreme and dangerous,” arguing that the court was forcing Clark to embrace a “delusion” about his daughter’s gender and her “abuse” at the hands of doctors, or else be arrested.

Companies will fire you for stating obvious biological facts, if you disagree with the expansionist transgender agenda.

An internationally renowned researcher on tax avoidance is believed to be the first person in Britain to lose her job for saying that transgender women are not women.

Maya Forstater, 45, was told by her managers that she had used “offensive and exclusionary” language.

She was accused of “fear-mongering” for tweeting her concerns about government proposals to allow people to legally self-identify as the opposite sex.

James’ father, Jeff, endures the risks of job loss and arrest every day. James’ case is the tip of the spear. If he loses, thousands of kids will lose.

Help us win.

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The Pattern of Expansion Sun, 24 Mar 2019 06:00:46 +0000 This is an extended series on how the Left expands its power over culture, especially on transgender issues. See the previous parts of this series below.

Anne Georgulas changed James from a boy to a girl on her business website.

Consider how courts came to accept transgender child abuse as normal. The child-abuse-left identified traditional child rearing practices as vital for maintaining Christian practices. Christian teachings are based on biological sex not gender. The child-abuse-left located a grievance class of people, transgender persons who do not base their identity on biological sex. They are very few in number.

They got the American Psychological Association (APA) and other professional bodies to recognize their grievances as a class. Eventually, through bureaucratic and political action not scientific methods, they convinced the APA to reclassify transgenderism as a normal human type. For children this was the change from gender identity disorder to gender dysphoria. Dysphoria is the discomfort felt when your society does not accept your “normal” human variation.

They then set about, by dubious means, to demonstrate that transgenderism is a status not a practice or mere discomfort. Transgenderism became something one was born with. They claimed that transgenderism is so immutable that any attempt to change it is sure to provoke suicide.

Once the transgender status was accepted, transgender advocates began to attach rights to the status. These rights stem not from the ancient and customary practices of the people, but from abstract ideas about abstract interests. They went to court to secure these new rights under existing legal frameworks, such as civil rights laws, discrimination law, etc.

Together with the professional bodies like the APA and the courts, they have forced parents and teachers and everyone to pretend that a boy is a girl. That it’s good to castrate young boys with hormone blockers. That it’s good to cut off the breasts of teen-aged girls.

They have not convinced anyone, but they have been successful in forcing people to go along with it. Eventually, it is thought, transgender child abuse will just become normal, it’ll become normal to sexually mutilate children.

The same pattern has repeated for other issues. Social deconstruction follows a pattern.

  1. Identify a tradition.
  2. Create a grievance class, no matter how small, in opposition to the foundational practices of the tradition.
  3. Get organizations of influence, usually professional bodies or government agencies, to recognize the grievance class.
  4. Create a plausible case that the practices of the grievance class are normal human variation and should be more tolerated. Suppress any discussion of potentially anti-social problems with the grievance class’ practices.
  5. Convert the practices of the grievance class into a status. This is usually accomplished by claiming something innate and immutable about the grievance class.
  6. Convert the discussion from one of toleration to one of rights.
  7. Use “professional” bodies and the courts to construe the new status and rights as within the bounds of existing rights laws.
  8. Force everyone to accept the previously anti-social practices of the grievance class.

We are often asked, “How could this be happening? Isn’t this illegal?”

No, it isn’t. But if you know how things come to be, you can learn how to prevent those things. We want to give you a framework to understand how we as a country came to this sorry state in the courts and schools, a state in which children are chemically castrated by puberty blockers, where children are sexually mutilated, where they are lied to about their own sexual identity.

James at church with his father, Jeff Younger.

If you have a social issue you care about, know the stage you’re in. Momentum gathers from one stage to another. The later stages require lots of money and help from conservative foundations. That kind of help is rarely available in family court, where most child transgender issues are settled.

That’s why we need your help. We can tell you what we’ve learned, how to spot trouble in your schools, and how to take action and stop it. But we’re trying to save the life of a little boy named James, too.

We’re going against the most powerful political force in the United States to Save James. Our adversaries are practiced, well funded, and they mean to ruin James’ life. Help us pay for our expert witnesses and court expenses. If we lose, thousands of kids will lose.

Save James, save thousands of children.

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Can Conservatives Conserve? Wed, 20 Mar 2019 18:23:17 +0000 We are often asked, how can we take action to “Save James – Save Thousands of Children”. The answer involves a painful look in the mirror.

Conservatives believe in the supreme civic importance of ethics, morality, good character, propriety, family stability, and sexual restraint. On the conservative view, these values extend through the personal, the family, and into society itself. Conservative values are social norms developed over centuries in and through traditional customs and practices. If conservatives are right about these values, the modern conservative must look at our situation today and conclude that time is short and disaster is imminent.

Yet, conservatives do not act as though imminent social catastrophe approaches. One hears much talk of renewing civic virtues, impressing conservative principles on our fellow citizens, and the like. These are the routine prescriptions of the conservative status quo. Conservatives have in fact been doing these things, for many decades.

The transgender trend is only increasing. More cases appear every day. The whole trend of American politics is ever-to-the-Left.

We have thus far been unable to prevent the Left from allowing men in the ladies room. We haven’t been able to stop them from abusing children with transgender ideology. We haven’t been able to curtail their baby-killing genocide.

If you think we can continue as we have before, I’m afraid you are admitting that conservatism is wrong. If you don’t see the social apocalypse approaching, you are not a conservative. What we’re doing isn’t working. It hasn’t worked for fifty years. And even recently, what has conservatism achieved in the last twenty years? Not much.

What do we do, right now? Stop digging.

  • Stop trying to convince people. The Left do not hold their views for reasons, and reasons are not going to talk them out of it. Get your own side out to vote.
  • Find the critical voter threshold. In our district, School Board and City Council elections are won by maximum 2,500 vote majority. All we need are an extra 3,000 conservative votes. That is doable, but it isn’t being done. Check it out in your district.
  • Take over local institutions. If you have transgender groups in your district, get a hundred conservatives to show up and dominate the discourse. If they try to stop you, start suing. Non-profits can’t keep you out. Private clubs meeting in public spaces can’t keep you out. Don’t allow any safe space for advocates of transgender child abuse. That’s how they do it, and it works.
  • Protest. Out the transgender child abusers. Stand on the street and wave signs. Tell uninformed people about what’s happening. Be visible and be fearless. Our fellows in the anti-abortion movement have been doing street activism for years at Planned Parenthood clinics and to good effect. Copy their success.
  • Work with knowledgeable insiders. Help them help you. They can work with elected officials navigate the treacherous waters of political compromises. You can provide the impetus and energy for action.
  • Stop supporting the enemy. Don’t trade with pediatricians who support transgender child abuse. File complaints against schools and teachers who indoctrinate kids. Dominate PTA meetings with conservative ideas, and don’t back down.

What can we do in the long term? Start building.

  • Be cautious about where your child receives higher education. If you enroll your kids into public schools or most universities, your children will likely emerge with communist views. Very, very few can withstand a decade or more of propaganda and intellectual subversion. Don’t kid yourself that your child is the one-in-a-million. Give up the forlorn hope of someone else educating your children in their most tender impressionable years. Do it yourself or find a trustworthy institution – and be active in curriculum planning. This is elementary.
  • Be active in the Republican primaries. We must stop putting up for election milquetoast Republicans. Ask yourself, “Can this candidate take a punch? Can this Candidate take the Leftist candidate behind the woodshed and deliver an ass-wooping?” If the answer isn’t a confident, “Yes! And, yes!” Get another candidate.
  • Never allow a leftist to run unchallenged. Every elected office must have a Republican up for it. At the very least, the Republican will collect the “straight Republican” votes. Make the left fight for every, single seat. At the very least you are making them spend money fighting you, thus allowing other candidates to win.
  • Fix the conservative woman problem. Nationally, men vote about 50-50, Republican-Democrat. Women support Democrats by 80%. My district lost a great conservative leader because suburban women voted in favor of another woman despite her dangerous stance on important issues that affect James directly. Women this one is on you: get your women’s clubs active. There’s lots of evangelizing to do. We have to get those votes back.
  • Maintain the Republican swing vote: working class men. Men are the backbone voters for conservative causes. Put their issues front and center.
  • Change your mindset from politics to a cold civil war. This one is going to be hard for conservatives to accept: we are living a post-constitutional country. The supreme law does not constrain the government or the Left. We are not trying to convince people. We will have to take institutions and government offices by sheer force of numbers and energy. That’s the hard fact of out present situation.

We are not storming the beaches at Normandy. We are in dire threat of defeat at Dunkirk. Prepare and act accordingly. Learn from your adversary. Use what works to win. Time is running out.

They have free activists to push the transgender child abuse agenda. We have to pay for our experts to Save James. Help us pay our way. Donate today.

Save James – Save Thousands of Children.

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Texas Values – Save James Wed, 13 Mar 2019 17:59:00 +0000
Jeff speaking at Faith and Family Day in Austin at the State Capital
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Joining in the fight Tue, 12 Mar 2019 17:44:45 +0000 This site and associated article discussing the research and testing of the effects of puberty blockers was brought to my attention by one of you. One of the growing many who are joining in the fight to Save James and in turn, we hope save other children from this type of abuse.

We so greatly appreciate not only your financial support – but the time and effort you take to reach out to us and on our behalf to law makers and potentially helpful organizations.

Taking just a few minutes to share with those you know, and in turn their subsequent sharing is giving a voice to those who cannot speak for themselves.

Jeff and Joe will be in Austin tomorrow at the state capital with Texas Values for Faith and Family Day. Pray for ears willing to listen and hearts ready to hear and follow through with actions that are necessary to protect our children.

Save James – Save Thousands of Children

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Doing Wrong is Not a Right Fri, 08 Mar 2019 07:00:47 +0000 Advocates of transgender child abuse want to foist the moral and psychological confusion of innocent victimized children upon all parents, students, teachers, and on everyone. They claim both the right to create harmful delusions in very young children and the right to force everyone else to assent to those delusions.

These advocates for transgender child abuse use force – of law, of courts, of bullying, of disemployment, of harassment, of feckless professional bodies, psychologists, and pediatricians – to make us so fearful that we will deceive ourselves. Under the power of their propaganda and threats, they want us to conspire with them in their own self-deception.

They want nothing less than to reorganize real society around a fantasy world dancing in their deluded heads. They want to make the reorganization enforceable by men with guns and badges and black robes.

Consider the level of psychological and sexual abuse we see in child transgender cases.

The new normal. A ten-year-old boy poses with a nude man. His mother mother calls him “Queen Lactatia.” He “performs” before gay men who throw money at him like a stripper.

Transgender child abuse advocates force you to think this is normal, even good.

Think it can’t happen? They captured the American Psychological Association. They captured the American Academy of Pediatrics. Think about that.

They forced two preeminent professional bodies to profess a fantasy in which mothers deluding very young children to be gay strippers is good. And they’re telling judges in family court parents have to allow it or lose their kids.

Look at that picture again. Do you believe that the mother has the right to do that to a young innocent boy? There is no right to do wrong. This is wrong. Pure evil. The most fundamental form of sexual abuse of a child. And they want you to think its normal.

They are coming for your children in the schools, in the courts, in the workplace. What are you going to do about it?

James’ case is the vanguard case. If he loses, every child in Texas will lose. Look at that picture one last time. Think about what’s at stake for kids. Don’t let James’ mother, Anne Georgulas (on Facebook, on Twitter), do this to James.

Please help us cover legal and child care expenses to Save James.

Save James – Save thousands of children.

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