Uncategorized – Save James https://savejames.com Save James, Save Thousands of Kids Fri, 22 Feb 2019 07:00:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.2.4 https://savejames.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/cropped-logo-2-1-1-1-32x32.png Uncategorized – Save James https://savejames.com 32 32 152165897 The Tools of Influence: A Practical Guide https://savejames.com/2019/02/the-tools-of-influence-a-practical-guide/ https://savejames.com/2019/02/the-tools-of-influence-a-practical-guide/#respond Fri, 22 Feb 2019 07:00:40 +0000 https://savejames.com/?p=1420 You want to stop transgender child abuse. But how? Let’s look at the basic ways you can influence events in our free country.

You can use all of these approaches:

  • raise public awareness
  • create durable relationships with media organizations and thought leaders
  • exert political pressure
  • exert economic pressure
  • exert cultural pressure
  • use the courts

In previous posts, we’ve covered how to influence elected officials; that’s the most direct way to exert political influence and raise public awareness. We also explained how to influence licensed care providers like pediatricians; that’s a direct way to exert economic and cultural pressure.

Tools of Influence

What makes governments and professional bodies change their behavior and policies? Either their members are moved by their individual consciences or the organization fears future losses. That’s how change happens.

Public Awareness

Public awareness works well for the Save James movement. Most people are totally opposed to transgender child abuse. Merely informing the public creates pressure on politicians and professionals. Some tools for raising public awareness:

  • Community groups
  • Churches
  • Letters to the editor
  • Rallies in conspicuous locations with media presence

Media Relations

Getting the media to cover transgender child abuse is both easy and difficult. It’s easy to get them interested in the story. It’s hard to get them to be fair and accurate. Good tools for media relations:

  • Media releases (essential for communicating to both traditional and independent journalists)
  • Emails and letters to favored reporters and producers
  • Website updates the showcase a reporters work
  • Interviews
  • Invitations to Public Awareness events

Cultural Pressure

Do not discount the power of culture. Even though the transgender child abuse movement has had success in changing the culture, the strong pull remains of the traditional American way of life. This is especially true of our traditional child rearing practices.

Let me give an example from another area of attack by the transgender child abusers: the idea of ‘toxic masculinity.’ (See video explanation here.) Everyone knows the facts about fatherless children. They underperform in school, have higher rates of criminality, have lower educational attainment, and lower adult wages.

If ‘toxic masculinity’ were a real thing, wouldn’t fatherless children do better without the influence of ‘toxic masculinity?’ That’s what we would expect from the data, if the ‘toxic masculinity’ thesis was true.

But the data and common experience shows just the opposite. Children with fathers do much better. Everyone knows it. It’s common sense. People simply don’t believe this ‘toxic masculinity’ nonsense.

Likewise, people are entitled to use their common sense about child rearing. Whether it’s political or from the professional organizations – people just don’t believe the premises of the transgender child abuse movement. Their claims don’t match the lived experience of hundreds of millions of American families with children.

We have to give people the room to use their common sense. A child who can’t legally assent to a tattoo, cannot be legally competent to make long-term, irreversible decisions about their gender. That’s for parents to decide.

Where parents disagree, the parent seeking extraordinary variance from traditional child rearing norms has the burden of proof. And we are entitled to discount psychological and medical transgender theories that are every bit as contradictory and silly as ‘toxic masculinity.’

Don’t allow the transgender child abuse language to overtake your traditional language culture.

Don’t give up the language. Don’t be afraid to confront people who assault your culture. You have the home court advantage. It’s your culture built over thousands of years. They are asking you to throw all of it out to satisfy a few loud-mouth psychologists? Not going to happen.

Don’t give up the culture. Don’t look away. Deal with it.

Save James – save thousands of children. #savejames

https://savejames.com/2019/02/the-tools-of-influence-a-practical-guide/feed/ 0 1420
Secrets https://savejames.com/2019/02/secrets/ https://savejames.com/2019/02/secrets/#respond Mon, 04 Feb 2019 07:00:58 +0000 https://savejames.com/?p=1335 The courts have imposed on James a double life. At Anne Georgulas’ (on Facebook,on Twitter) home, James lives as a fake girl. With his father, he lives as a normal boy. But James is just one boy with one life. His fake life intrudes in tragic ways on his real life as a boy.

Secrets at School

Father: What did you do today at school?

James: I wrote a story.

Father: Wow! I’m proud of you. Tell me your story!

James: (head down, ashamed) It’s a secret.

Secrets from Friends

James is with a group of friends talking about Halloween.

Friend: What’s are you going to wear for Halloween?

James: (head down, ashamed) It’s a secret.

Secrets about Clothes

James is on FaceTime with his father. His mother is watching imperiously in the background.

Father: Why is the screen so close to your face? I can only see your eyes.

James: (looks nervously at his mother) It’s a secret.

Secrets About His Home

Father: Are you forced to wear girl’s clothes?

James: (head down, ashamed) I’m uncomfortable talking about this.

Child Abuse

Transgender child abuse and a feeble court system force James into a double life of lies. How can the courts let this go on? How could they establish it in the first place? Why is Anne Georgulas doing this to an innocent boy?

Help us Save James – Save thousands of children.

https://savejames.com/2019/02/secrets/feed/ 0 1335
Urgency https://savejames.com/2019/01/urgency/ https://savejames.com/2019/01/urgency/#respond Fri, 11 Jan 2019 19:27:16 +0000 https://savejames.com/?p=1138 Had dinner with Jeff and the boys last night. It’s amazing how withdrawn Jude is after time away from his dad. He clings to him and you can tell that the separation is painful for them all. There is an urgency as each day of abuse affects the psychological and emotional development of these kids.

Momentum has certainly slowed over the holidays, but the need is greater than ever and the coming weeks will likely be filled with work in preparation for court.

  • The immediate and urgent need is:
    • $15,000.00 to retain expert witnesses
    • $25,000.00 more to fund them

The two organizations that have offered help are unable to offer financial assistance at this time – only counsel and witness referral. 

Please continue to share and help in any way you are able. The lives of two very dear boys hang in the balance.



https://savejames.com/2019/01/urgency/feed/ 0 1138
New Year – Latest News https://savejames.com/2019/01/new-year-latest-news/ https://savejames.com/2019/01/new-year-latest-news/#respond Wed, 09 Jan 2019 21:47:38 +0000 https://savejames.com/?p=1136 I know you all have been waiting for an update, and Im sorry to say that there is very little to report. Jeff had the boys for the first week of the Christmas break, but the second week of the Christmas break fell during his usual weekend with the boys which means extended time away from them. He will see them this Thursday night for the first time since December 28. And will not get them for a weekend again until Friday the 18th. 

As far as further court proceedings, much hinges on Dr. Albritton, the psychological custody evaluator. Until he has completed his study of both children and parents as well as close friends that are directly involved in the daily lives of these kids, we are sort of at a standstill. 

Please pray for him to be wise, thorough and motivated to focus on this case so that things can begin to move faster. Every day that remains the same is another day of abuse in the lives of these kids. The profile and sensitivity of the issue at hand and the media attention towards transgender equality has blinded a number of professionals from applying their training, skill and common sense. We hope that Dr. Albritton will not fall victim to the same fear and boldly proceed with recommendations to assure their safety. 

The only good thing about this time is that it allows Jeff and his attorney to really work on a game plan and to gather both legal and financial support to prepare for the trial that will inevitably be very large and very expensive.

Momentum is obviously down due in part to the holidays and to the lack of media attention. 

Please remember that although I am a 3rd party journalist and can talk about my first hand experience, Jeff is still forced to hold his tongue and must be very cautious about what he says. This makes print media a safer forum for the time being and we are hopeful that some new articles will surface in the coming days. 

Thanks to all your support and assistance, both Alliance Defending Freedom and the Thomas Moore society have reached out and offered some assistance to Jeff’s attorney. We aren’t sure to what extent at this point, but it is certainly good news that these large organizations are taking notice.

We are now at 1 million views! Please continue to share and direct people to the website.

Thank you all for your continued support. 

Sarah Scott

https://savejames.com/2019/01/new-year-latest-news/feed/ 0 1136
Artist https://savejames.com/2019/01/artist/ https://savejames.com/2019/01/artist/#respond Sat, 05 Jan 2019 14:59:29 +0000 https://savejames.com/?p=1132

We gave this little man an art kit for Christmas and for a whole week he carried it everywhere he went. I love the masterpieces he creates for us – and the way he signs his name. CURSIVE! In first grade! He loved my husbands fedora, so we found him one. Such a handsome and talented boy. We treasure each and every moment we get to spend with him and his brother and father.


https://savejames.com/2019/01/artist/feed/ 0 1132
Please Help https://savejames.com/2018/12/please-help/ https://savejames.com/2018/12/please-help/#respond Sat, 29 Dec 2018 22:36:46 +0000 https://savejames.com/?p=1041 This past week Jeff took the boys for an appointment with Dr. Benjamin Albritton, who is the psychological custody evaluator. Those of you who are praying, please pray that he would be granted wisdom in this time with them and that James will feel comfortable and feel safe enough to be truthful. 

We believe that Dr. Albritton has already observed the boys with their mother where James was required to be Luna. 

We hope today that Dr. Albritton can see the bright and fun loving boy he is with us on a regular basis and would be able to determine the best actions for the safety of James and Jude.

In addition – several people have asked, “What can we do to help?”

I think it would be helpful for Dr. Albritton to see that James has a very large group of diverse supporters who want to see him protected and are uncomfortable (to say the least), with the situation he is currently in. 

I have attached a form letter that you can use as a basic template if you would like to write his office and express your concerns. I implore you to take a few minutes to copy and paste this letter and send to Dr. Albritton. Feel free to add your own personal touch if you have the time or have more you wish to say, so that he can see how many people are truly concerned for the lives of these precious little people. 

He can be reached through his case manager Brenda Martin at: 
Southwest Clinical and Forensics
Preston Commons – West Tower
8117 Preston Rd. Suite 682
Dallas, TX 75225

Dear Dr. Albritton, 

I am writing to express my great concern over a situation involving the custody battle for James and Jude Younger. I respect that you are in a very difficult situation trying to determine the best, safest and most healthy family environment for both children. 

As a community, a great number of people are concerned for the welfare of both children and especially for the well being of James who is young and impressionable and in a very precarious position. 

We urge you to hear the father out as he desires the protection of his biological children and seeks to give James time to grow up before being required to fill a gender role that he does not fully understand and does not fully embrace. 

We have seen much evidence to prove that he enjoys being his biological gender and is happy participating with other boys in activities that could be classified as boyish. We believe that he deserves time to grow to be the person he chooses. We stand behind Jeff Younger in his efforts to do what is best for his children.

Please take my extreme concern into consideration.


https://savejames.com/2018/12/please-help/feed/ 0 1041
Petition Trouble https://savejames.com/2018/12/petition-trouble/ https://savejames.com/2018/12/petition-trouble/#respond Wed, 12 Dec 2018 22:09:24 +0000 https://savejames.com/?p=1029 There are always hiccups in a battle. Small things that frustrate and attempt to take focus off the important issue. The issue here is not about groups of people and their like or dislike of each others beliefs – this is about the protection of a child. A child who should have the right to a future of his own choosing, a child who deserves the very best care and concern for his welfare. 

As I mentioned in another post, a very kind supporter started a petition to help in our efforts to protect James and to increase support. He emailed to let me know that due to complaints (made by someone who wishes to stop our efforts to protect James) Change.org first took away the comment section and now have sent him legal notice to remove James’ picture and name. 

We could always start a new petition, but there are so many signatures and such support that we would prefer to keep it going. The author has made some changes that should be fine legally and the site is still going strong. Please continue to share.

SIGN the PETITION going to Texas Legislature to protect James and other children like him.

https://savejames.com/2018/12/petition-trouble/feed/ 0 1029
New ways to share https://savejames.com/2018/12/new-ways-to-share/ https://savejames.com/2018/12/new-ways-to-share/#respond Tue, 11 Dec 2018 22:27:06 +0000 https://savejames.com/?p=1020 Hi everyone! Thank you for your continued support. We wanted to let you know that we have an official Facebook page and a YouTube channel now with video clips of James having fun with his friends and family. Please continue to share. We hope to have the links on the website soon!




https://savejames.com/2018/12/new-ways-to-share/feed/ 0 1020
Fun with Friends https://savejames.com/2018/12/fun-with-friends/ https://savejames.com/2018/12/fun-with-friends/#respond Sat, 08 Dec 2018 17:03:50 +0000 https://savejames.com/?p=983 Last night the Youngers came over for pizza and fun with friends. We sat around the table pigging out, laughing a lot and enjoying the coolest boys we know.

James and Patton and I created cool art projects while Jude and Grayson and Rowan built Lego masterpieces. Then all the boys pretended to be spies and tried to sneak up on the parents.

Its such fun to see these boys play with Jeff and witness his evident love for them.

Please continue to pray and share. 

https://savejames.com/2018/12/fun-with-friends/feed/ 0 983
Motion to close court documents https://savejames.com/2018/12/motion-to-close-court-documents/ https://savejames.com/2018/12/motion-to-close-court-documents/#respond Thu, 06 Dec 2018 20:07:11 +0000 https://savejames.com/?p=952 An update on proceedings… the mother’s attorneys have filed a motion to close court documents so this very well may be the last legal document I am able to upload. We do not have a court date yet, but we expect it will be soon and we are very curious to see what she will bring to the proceedings that she wants to keep from the public. We appreciate the continued encouragement and will do our best to keep everyone updated.

Thank you. 




https://savejames.com/2018/12/motion-to-close-court-documents/feed/ 0 952