Proof – Save James Save James, Save Thousands of Kids Tue, 03 Sep 2019 17:46:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Proof – Save James 32 32 152165897 James Doesn’t Have Gender Dysphoria Sat, 24 Aug 2019 14:09:57 +0000

James doesn’t meet the diagnostic criteria for gender dysphoria. This was explained to the Custody Evaluator, Dr. Benjamin Albritton.

American psychologists use the DSM-V manual to help diagnose gender dysphoria in children. The book provides eight criteria for diagnosing children. The DSM-V requires that at least six of the diagnostic criteria be met along with significant impairment. However, James meets none of the criteria and has no impairment. He functions perfectly well as a boy at his father’s home.

American pediatricians use an abbreviated diagnostic standard for referral to psychiatric evaluation: Is the child insistent, consistent, and persistent in identifying as the opposite sex? James is not insistent: he refuses a female identity at his father’s home. He is not consistent: James is a boy with his father, so his gender presentation is inconsistent with how he present with his mother. He is not persistent: his gender dysphoria desists with his father.

Here’s a breakdown of each diagnostic criteria and why James doesn’t meet the standard.

DSM-V Criteria

James’ Status

Along with at least six of the following, an associated significant distress or impairment in function, lasting at least six months.

James has no impairment, and has never had an impairment, at his Father’s home. James does not meet the insistent, consistent and persistent tests.

1. A strong desire to be of the other gender or an insistence that one is the other gender.

James does not the meet insistence test for gender dysphoria. He says he wants to be a girl only at Ms. Georgulas’s home. When James is with his Father, he refuses girl’s clothes, says he is a boy to family and to friends, refuses to play with girls, and engages in typically male play.

2. A strong preference for wear- ing clothes typical of the opposite gender.

When at Father’s home, James exhibits a strong preference for boy’s clothing. James exhibits a preference for wearing girl’s clothes only when at Ms. Georgulas’s home. This is forced on James, because he is afraid and because Ms. Georgulas only gives James love if he acts like a girl.

But even if we accept that he prefers it at his Ms. Georgulas’s home, such preferences would not be strong as the diagnosis requires, simply because he lacks any intensity whatsoever to wear girl’s clothes at Father’s home. In fact, James has negative intensity. James refuses to wear anything feminine at Father’s home.

3. A strong preference for cross- gender roles in make-believe play or fantasy play.

When at Father’s home, James ex- hibits a strong preference for male role-play. James exhibits a preference for girl roles only when at Ms. Georgulas’s home. This is forced on James, because he is afraid and because Ms. Georgulas only gives James love if he acts like a girl.

But even if we accept that he prefers it at his Ms. Georgulas’s home, such preferences would not be strong as the diagnosis requires, simply because he lacks any intensity whatsoever to play girl’s roles at Father’s home. In fact, James has negative intensity.

James refuses to play girl’s roles at Father’s home.

4. A strong preference for the toys, games or activities stereotypically used or engaged in by the other gender.

When at Father’s home, James exhibits a strong preference for normal boys toys, games and activities. James’s favorite activity is art, chess, doing magic tricks, rock and boomerang throwing, running and racing, and wresting. James exhibits a preference for girl toys, games or activities only when at Ms. Georgulas’s home. This is forced on James, because he is afraid.

But even if we accept that he prefers it at his Ms. Georgulas’s home, such preferences would not be strong as the diagnosis requires, simply because he lacks any intensity whatsoever to play girl’s toys, games or activities at Father’s home. In fact, James has negative intensity. James refuses to play with girl’s toys, games or activities at Father’s home.

5. A strong preference for playmates of the other gender.

When at Father’s home, James exhibits a strong preference for male playmates. James does not exhibit a preference for girl playmates at Ms. Georgulas’s home. He has friends of both sexes.

But even if we accept that he prefers it at his Ms. Georgulas’s home, such preferences would not be strong as the diagnosis requires, simply because he lacks any intensity whatsoever to play with female playmates at Father’s home. In fact, James has negative intensity. James prefers to play with male playmates at Father’s home.

6. A strong rejection of toys, games and activities typical of one’s assigned gender.

When at Father’s home, James exhibits a strong preference for male toys, games and activities. James exhibits a preference for girl toys, games and activities only when at Ms. Georgulas’s home. This is forced on James, because he is afraid.

But even if we accept that he prefers it at his Ms. Georgulas’s home, such preferences would not be strong as the diagnosis requires, simply because
he lacks any intensity whatsoever to play girl’s toys, games and activities at Father’s home. In fact, James has negative intensity. James refuses to play girl’s toys, games and activities at Father’s home.

By and large, James rejects girl toys, games and activities identity with his father.

7. A strong dislike of one’s sexual anatomy.

James has never expressed a dislike of his sexual anatomy.

8. A strong desire for the physical sex characteristics that match one’s experienced gender.

James has never expressed a desire for female physical sex characteristics.

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The Consequences of Transgender Hormones and Surgery Sat, 23 Mar 2019 15:10:28 +0000 Thank you Liz Wheeler for this Tipping Point Interview with Andrew Klavan.

Check out Andrew Klavan -PODCAST

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Joining in the fight Tue, 12 Mar 2019 17:44:45 +0000 This site and associated article discussing the research and testing of the effects of puberty blockers was brought to my attention by one of you. One of the growing many who are joining in the fight to Save James and in turn, we hope save other children from this type of abuse.

We so greatly appreciate not only your financial support – but the time and effort you take to reach out to us and on our behalf to law makers and potentially helpful organizations.

Taking just a few minutes to share with those you know, and in turn their subsequent sharing is giving a voice to those who cannot speak for themselves.

Jeff and Joe will be in Austin tomorrow at the state capital with Texas Values for Faith and Family Day. Pray for ears willing to listen and hearts ready to hear and follow through with actions that are necessary to protect our children.

Save James – Save Thousands of Children

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Three Facts Ignored by Advocates of Transgender Child Abuse Tue, 05 Mar 2019 07:00:07 +0000
  1. The scientific evidence shows that people are not born trapped in a body of the wrong sex. Identical twin studies prove there is no biological or innate basis for the most fundamental claim made by transgender child abuse advocates.
  2. Almost all gender-confused children grow out of it by adulthood. Affirming a child’s gender confusion increases the severity and duration of the gender confusion.
  3. Treatments for childhood gender confusion are not proven safe. They are off-label, experimental protocols on innocent children.

Save James – Save Thousands of Children


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URGENT NEWS Thu, 28 Feb 2019 15:46:49 +0000 Urgent News:

This afternoon’s court date has been cancelled. Ms. Georgulas’ legal team cancelled just this morning in apparent realization that their motion to close further court documents and proceedings would not be honored as presented. 

There will still be further negotiations between legal teams behind the scenes as this battle continues, but this is EXCELLENT news! 

The public has been heard! Thanks to your vocal support via social media, the petition, and letters to local and state legislators the Judge was made aware that the public has a vested interest in this case.

We are working together to Save James – Save Thousands of Children!

Please continue to share – more updates to follow.


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Victurus Libertas Interview Thu, 21 Feb 2019 16:52:48 +0000 Thank you to the producers of Victurus Libertas for another great interview and helping us to spread James’ story.

Victurus Libertas – Interview Jeff Younger

Save James – Save Thousands of Children


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Puberty Blockers Cause Gender Dysphoria Wed, 13 Feb 2019 07:00:51 +0000 Once boys are chemically castrated by puberty blockers, they never again identify normally with their biological sex. The only follow-up study shows that all of the children put on puberty blocker chemical castration remained gender dysphoric and pursued sex change surgery. All of them.

Behavioral and emotional problems and depressive symptoms decreased, while general functioning improved significantly during puberty suppression. Feelings of anxiety and anger did not change between T0 and T1. While changes over time were equal for both sexes, compared with natal males, natal females were older when they started puberty suppression and showed more problem behavior at both T0 and T1. Gender dysphoria and body satisfaction did not change between T0 and T1.

No adolescent withdrew from puberty suppression, and all started cross-sex hormone treatment, the first step of actual gender reassignment.

Vries, Annelou L.C. de, Thomas D. Steensma, Theo A.H. Doreleijers, and Peggy T. Cohen‐Kettenis. “Puberty Suppression in Adolescents With Gender Identity Disorder: A Prospective Follow‐Up Study.” The Journal of Sexual Medicine, no. 8 (August 2011): 2276–83.

The transgender therapy advocates claim this is a vindication of their diagnostic protocol. They claim to have a 100% success rate in predicting who is seriously gender dysphoric.

Balderdash. The study shows that the transgender therapy diagnostic protocol is a total failure. This Journal of Medicine study shows:

  1. Puberty blocker chemical castration is an ineffective treatment for gender dysphoria. None of the children who who were chemically castrated got better. In fact, they got worse and moved on to surgical transition.
  2. Creating a hormonal and social environment that affirms gender dysphoric feelings causes children to remain gender dysphoric. Puberty blocker chemical castration is not a treatment. It’s operant conditioning a child to remain in a state of gender delusion.

The Family Research Council calls chemical castration treatments Hotel Trans. You can check-in but you can never leave.

Anecdotal stories abound of puberty blockers being the first step in an inevitable march toward the transsexual life. In the only study to date following gender dysphoric children who were socially affirmed and put on puberty blockers, 100 percent of the children continued to identify as transgender, and pursued further sex-change interventions.

One. Hundred. Percent. This stands in stark contrast to gender dsyphoric children who are allowed to go through puberty naturally. The American Psychiatric Association reports that up to 97.8 percent of boys and 88 percent of girls experience an end to their sex confusion and do not end up identifying as transgender adults.

Putting kids on puberty blockers does not let them choose anything. It makes the choice for them.

Hotel Trans: Check In Any Time, But Never Leave

This is the choice  Anne Georgulas (on Facebook, on Twitter), James’ mother, wants for him. This is the path she’s chosen for James.

Don’t let it happen. Save James – Save thousands of children.

We need expert witnesses to refute the trans ideologues pushing irreversible treatments on James. Help us by donating today.

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Point Of View Interview Tue, 12 Feb 2019 14:45:19 +0000 For those of you who missed the broadcast yesterday….

Here are Jeff and Joe on the Point of View Show. Their interview begins at the one hour mark.

Jeff and Joe on the Point of View
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The Experiment on Our Children: Doctors Don’t Know Who the Real Trans Kids Are Fri, 01 Feb 2019 11:00:08 +0000

“Doctors currently have no way of predicting which gender dysphoric children will persist in their gender dysphoria, and yet they are pushing the minimum age for irreversible hormone therapy and surgery as low as possible.

According to the wisdom of the day, kids experiencing gender dysphoria need to be treated affirmingly as early—and as radically—as possible. For the time being, surgery and hormone therapy have to wait until age sixteen. But before that, adolescents can be prescribed puberty blockers, and even younger children are encouraged to transition “socially,” by adopting the name, dress, and mannerisms of their preferred gender.

All of this is in spite of the fact that gender dysphoria in children sees very low rates of persistence—ranging from 2.2% to 30% in males and from 12% to 50% in females, according to the DSM-5.”

Standards Are Getting Looser, Not More Stringent

In fact, a team of international doctors affiliated with The Endocrine Society, the Pediatric Endocrine Society, and the World Professional Association of Transgender Health—all of which are held in esteem in this field of medicine—is rewriting treatment guidelines so that a medically induced gender change may be recommended for children even younger than sixteen. 

Social Transition Is Not Harmless Either

As Eric Vilain, a geneticist and leader of the Center for Genetic Medicine Research at Children’s National Health System, points out, social transitioning is liable to influence children’s thinking. “If the children are pushed in this belief it will be much harder for them to get out of this belief because everyone will have agreed on it very, very early on,” Dr. Vilain says. It’s one thing to grow up confused about one’s gender; it’s another thing to grow up being told that one belongs to a special group of “trans kids.”

Walt Heyer – Public Discourse

Please read the complete article here- PUBLIC DISCOURSE article by Walt Heyer

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Legal Update Thu, 31 Jan 2019 14:00:45 +0000
  • The Amicus Attorney has permitted James’ father to cut James’ hair. James’ father believes that Anne Georgulas (on Facebook, on Twitter) wants to feminize James before trial, by letting his hair grow long into a girl’s hairstyle.
  • The Custody EvaluatorBenjamin Albritton, is taking a long time to complete his evaluation. It’s been three months.
    • The office assistant says that Dr. Albritton and Dr. Eagle are continuing to “sort through the data and information” they have been given.
    • This contradicts a previous letter sent by Dr. Albritton that Dr. Eagle had resigned from the case.
    • Dr Albritton asked James’ father to schedule another in-office visit with James and Jude, this will be the third such visit.
    • Dr. Albritton asked James’ father to schedule a private visit without the boys. But this is for later and not at this time.
    • That means the custody evaluation is going to take a lot longer.
  • We have a hearing scheduled for 28 February, 2019 at 1:30 pm, on Ms. Georgulas’ Motion to Seal.
    • Ms. Georgulas and the Judges want to hide what they are doing to James. The People of Texas have a right to know what is happening in their Family Courts on this pressing transgender legal and social issue.
    • The hearing will be in the Associate Judge’s courtroom at  Judge Scott Beauchamp, George L. Allen, Sr. Courts Building, 600 Commerce Street, 4th Floor New Tower, Dallas, TX 75202.
    • It is not a special set. The hearing should be brief, lasting around 20 minutes.
    • Ms. Georgulas will be represented by her new super-expensive, high-powered law firm Koons-Fuller
  • Help us Save James – Save Thousands of Children

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